I'm Madleine from 88’s スペシャル

「I'm Madleine from 88’s スペシャル」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

I'm Madleine from 88’s スペシャル」(2012/02/27 (月) 12:11:40) の最新版変更点



---- *&sizex(4){Original Long Version} ----                         If you believe you must be big            In order to be tough            Then you should get to know me            I'll teach you other stuff            If you believe you must be big            In order to be tough            Then you should get to know her            She'll teach you other stuff            I'm Madeline, I'm Madeline            And though I'm very small            I'm Madeline, I'm Madeline            And inside I'm tall            She maybe teeny tiny            Diminuitive, petite            But that has never stopped her            From being pretty neat            I'm Madeline, I'm Madeline            I'm not some little twig            I'm Madeline, I'm Madeline            And inside I'm big            Dum-ti-dum-ti-dum            I'm Madeline, I'm Madeline            I'm not afraid at all            I'm Madeline, I'm Madeline            I'm bravest of all            Dum-ti-dum-ti-dum            She's Madeline, she's Madeline            We hope you have it straight            She's Madeline, she's Madeline            And inside she's            Dum-ti-dum-ti-dum            Great! ----

