Benjamin Hornigold(ベンジャミン・ホーニゴールド)

Benjamin Hornigold (1685-1719) had a relatively short career as a pirate before turning his back on his former comrades to become a pirate hunter on behalf of the Governor of the Bahamas.


Much of Hornigold's life is unrecorded, although it is believed he was born in Norfolk, England. He was an early pirate, with his first activity recorded in 1713-14, which makes it likely that he was a privateer. His second-in-command was Edward Thatch, who would later be better known as Blackbeard.


For a short time, Hornigold was based in Nassau, where he became involved in pirates to create a free republic of pirates. Although he was a skilled sailor and strategist, many felt that he wasn't ruthless enough to succeed as a true pirate.



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